Tim Stickle, author of Cody and the Frack-Attack Pack, received his Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications from Antioch College. Born in Toledo, Ohio, Tim developed an early love of Nature from spending so much of his childhood in the area’s wealth of beautiful parks and nature preserves. Incensed by the massive amount of environmental abuse in the world, Tim channels his anger into positive projects as a creative dissident. When not hiking at Oak Openings, Hocking Hills, Cuyahoga Valley, and Our National Parks, Tim is a red-blooded cinephile and occasional filmmaker himself. 

As Web 3.0 begins to rev up and hopefully decentralize the Internet from the tech giants, I find myself elated, marveling at the vast potential of such a disruptive shift. I want to participate in this Newfound Openness. To me, the very best thing about the Internet is the online Share Culture.

People have billions of questions, an unfettered appetite for learning. In response the Internet has infinite answers. Free and commercial online courses, knowledge bases, thousands of DIY articles, tutorials, blogs, users’ forums, videos, and a vast array of tools await your very fingertips. Search and you will find.

All these artists, activists, creators, inventors, and professionals share their work in hopes of aiding others in their Creative Endeavors. Some of their work they give away freely, other work (handcrafted learning tools, databases of esoteric knowledge, etc.) is sold. Some manage to earn a living from their efforts, many do not. Yet, regardless there is an incredibly fulfilling sense of satisfaction one gets from just having tried…a sort of universal reciprocity. I think of all the knowledge the Internet has provided me over the decades (I’ve been here since it’s inception) and now - finding myself in a position and mood - to give back, I have to admit it feels great to share.

The Internet is a place of shared experience, an enriching resource, and a potent communication tool. I believe I have value to share as well, especially in the fields of Nature, Health, and Film. So let’s continue Learning Together.

Much Love, Timothy Stickle
